

La montagna sotto le dita

11 - 19 January 2020

Vernissage 10 January 18:00 hrs.

The Exhibition

Luigi Dal Re THE MOUNTAIN UNDER FINGERS. Drawing, old passion, transformed into a "means of transport" to continue his climbing: this is the unusual and extraordinary journey in the art of Luigi Dal Re, before being a traveling artist, or rather a mountaineer, stopped by a hard accident that occurred during a climb. This is how Dal Re takes the pencil in his hand, continuing to explore and report his mountains through the father of all artistic practices: drawing. Works, those of Dal Re, which show both the profound knowledge of the mountain (the details, the cuts of light, the shapes, can only be brought back by a hand that touched those rock walls for a lifetime) as well as his deep connection with that world and those remote landscapes. Places where the exhibition "Luigi Dal Re THE MOUNTAIN UNDER FINGERS" takes us on a journey through art, nature, memories, and lived life.

INTO THE WILD, a journey in the Belluno Dolomites On January 14th from 8.30 pm a meeting with the artist open to the public will be held in the Pallavicini 22 Art Gallery, where Luigi Dal Re, accompanied by the projection of images of his expeditions, will talk about his passion and his experiences in the mountains.

The Artist

Luigi Dal Re was born in 1970 in Faenza and lives in Mezzano (nearby Ravenna).

The Works

The Shots of the Inauguration & “Into the Wild with GIGI DAL RE”