
Aleksandra Miteva


From 30th September to 2nd October 2022

The Exhibition

With the exhibition of these paintings, Aleksandra Miteva surpasses the classical education acquired at the art high school in Skopje, Macedonia, making the most of what she was able to experience at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna, an experience that led her to an original growth both in personal and professional terms.

Her almost informal research consists in the exploration of the nature of the feeling of absence, where the concrete loses all its form.

Through strong and calibrated gestures, the artist shapes the surface of the canvas by immersing herself entirely in it, in communion and unity with it and with the colors so intensely experienced. In this way, from these paintings of hers emerges a sharp contrast between the material and the lightness of the support.

In some paintings she plays by creating a new skin for the canvas, using mixtures of earth, sand and sawdust and at the same time, in others, it is as if she were challenging the lightness of the gauze, combining a dense color with a more liquid and semi-transparent one.  er brushstrokes, expressively pungent and at the same time controlled, skillfully evoke that feeling of lack - the absence evoked by the title of this exhibition - which is not only associated with a person, but can also be the lack of a certain state of mind or a place.

“A painting is not an image of an experience; it is an experience.” Mark Rothko

The Works

The Artist

Aleksandra Miteva is a Macedonian student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna. She was born in Shtip, Macedonia, on April 14, 1997. She currently lives in Ravenna. In 2016 she graduated in painting at the Lazar Licenoski Art School in Skopje, Macedonia with top marks and won the “Best Student in the Generation 2012/2016 Award”. The same year she enrolled in the three-year first level course in mosaic and visual arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna.

In 2017 she won the “I tarocchi secondo Ravenna” award with her work “La Papessa”. The same year she participated in four group exhibitions: “Volti” curated by Daniele Carnoli at the Il Coccio gallery in Ravenna; “Equidstante dal centro” curated by Emanuela Bergonzoni and Mirella Cisotto Nalon at the Oratory of San Rocco in Padua; “Luoghi” curated by Andrea Chiesi at the Om Studio in Modena and “Fabulae” at the Classense Library in Ravenna. At the same time, she won second prize at the painting competition “La bellezza vissuta” in Russi (RA) and became part of the “Visibile” project at Artificerie Almagià, also in Ravenna.

In 2018 she participated in the competition “1502- Premio giovani artisti” and later exhibited at the Wundergrafik gallery in Forlì.

The following year she won the special prize for “I tarocchi secondo Ravenna” with her mosaic entitled “La Fortuna”. She held her first solo exhibition “HERMAPHRODITE” curated by Bruno Bandini at the Puntoincomune exhibition space, in Piazza Farini, in Russi. She participated in the Monza Biennale curated by Daniele Astrologo, at the Villa Reale in Monza; is part of the Xll Biennale of young artists of Romagna-RAM 2019 curated by Elettra Stamboulis at the Mar Museum in Ravenna; exhibits both at the XlV Edition PNA, National Arts Award 2019, at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin, and at the PAS Award curated by Paola Babini at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna. During the same year, she also participates in other group exhibitions: “Anthropomorphosis” curated by Maria Rita Bentini and Nicola Cucchiaro at the Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna; the exhibition of the artist and teacher Andrea Chiesi together with the students at Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste in Ravenna; “Incursions” curated by Paola Babini for the Mosaic Biennale 2019 at the Manica Lunga of the Classense Library in Ravenna; “Art and Design Exhibition for Environmental Protection” at the Pescarabruzzo Foundation in Pescara; finally “CORPO a CORPO” on the occasion of the Autumn Trilogy, curated by Maria Rita Bentini and Nicola Cucchiaro at the Alighieri Theater in Ravenna.

In 2020 she graduated with top marks (110 cum laude) and enrolled in the two-year second level mosaic course at the Academy of Ravenna, while at the same time holding mosaic workshops and working on private commissions.

Event promoted and organized by

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Event included in the Farini Social Week 2022 program