

Non mi lamento di niente e mi piace tutto

from 25 November to 10 December 2023

The Exhibition

Vsevolod Prokhorov known as Seva is young, Russian, loves experimenting. His Italian mosaic training took place in Spilimbergo, with everything that in terms of petrosity implies the imprinting of this school, grafted onto the previous path of graphic-pictorial studies which took place in his homeland.

The code of his thinking is found at the crossroads of several artistic languages, seeking common points and completely different specificities (for Vsevolod in ancient mosaics what matters from a mosaic point of view is not in the central, more pictorial emblem, but in the ornamental patterns that surround it), as well as possible solutions in hybridizing painting and weaving, colors and their absence, wider spatial (and emotional) paths and contracted, if not blocked, time, both in light of the artistic history of different disciplines and in connection with history of his land and of the post-Soviet world. Above all, he is interested on the one hand in understanding "what Romanesque floors and pop art have in common" and on the other, drawing inspiration from the examples of conceptual avant-garde of important Ukrainian artists such as Kabacov or Russian groups such as Collective Action, active since stagnant Brežnevian seventies, wants to understand and make us reflect on the idea of the usefulness of art, on its functionality in relation to its origins and to the past and current society, of the globalized world in which we are all forced to be. 

The Works

The Artist

Born in St. Petersburg in 1995, Vsevolod Prokhorov studied at the 190 art high school, then graduated from the Institute of Industrial Technology and Design, specializing in muralist.

In 2019 he moved to northern Italy, where he continued his studies at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in Spilimbergo which he concluded in 2023 with the title of "master mosaicist". In Italy he began to have a broader approach to abstract art and is expressed through a dialogue between conceptual art and mosaic.

Event promoted and organized by

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