
Collective exhibition of the finalist artists
Art Competition “Contemporaneamente SAPORI e ARTE” 1ST EDITION
from 23 September to 1 October 2023

Collective exhibition of the finalist artists Art Competition “Contemporaneamente SAPORI e ARTE”


from 23 September to 1 October 2023

“I brought to my lips a teaspoon of tea, in which I had soaked a piece of madeleine. But the very moment that sip mixed with biscuit crumbs touched my palate, I jumped, attentive to what was extraordinary happening within me.”

In search of lost time. On Swann's side,

Marcel Proust

The exhibition

The exhibition dedicated to the display of the 12 works admitted to the final phase of the Art Competition "Simultaneously FLAVORS and ART" 1st EDITION will open with the proclamation and award ceremony of the winners of the competition. 

The finalist works were: “CHROMO Sfumature percettive – Piccante_Aspro_Dolce” by Anna Agati, “Il sapore del paesaggio” by Martina Baldetti, “Addizione romagnola = I passatelli [dell’Erica]” by Mauro Bendandi, “Incantesimo Dorato” by Claudia Clerici, “#ILPACCODAGIU’ “ by Andreina Cristino, “Self Service” by  MAR (Giancarlo Mariani), “L'istante di quel che rimane” by  Giovanna Minguzzi with Maurizio Pilò, “Orfeo, musica e colori per il palato” by Franco Palazzo, “Cosmo di sapori” by Domizia Parri, “Ritratto di Noce numero 30” by Andrea Pezzi, “Sweet 2” by Giovanna Sottini, “Gusto-Sa-Mente” by Virna Valli. 

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