
Giuseppe Nicoloro

Un omaggio alle donne

From 26 February to 8 March 2022

The Exhibition

In this exhibition, that Giuseppe Nicoloro dedicates to women, the photographs on show are chosen from travel memories or taken mainly from the archive of his work as a photo-cronist, committed to documenting events of any kind, others are generated from street shots, imprint , when people and situations capture the photographer's attention.

With the choice of the title for the exhibition, Giuseppe Nicoloro plays with the metaphor of the age-old “darkroom” of prejudice, of discrimination that has relegated women to the darkness of domestic rooms, to marginal areas of society, generally assigned to care tasks. It is from a symbolic "darkroom" from which women today have emerged, developing all their latent potentials, long unexpressed or unrecognized, thus becoming a more and more visible presences everywhere.

The exhibition aims to document the presence of women around us, in various situations, in the disparity of conditions. Among the many possible choices, Giuseppe Nicoloro has favored the photographs that in his opinion are more significant, for the context, for a movement, a gesture, an expression, for the underlying meaning. 

The Works

The photographer

"Freezing the image with a click is giving a testimony that resists time, while memory fades". This is the conviction of Giuseppe Nicoloro, a photojournalist who chose to express himself through “writing with light”, to document, communicate and tell the stories, people and places that were changing under his eyes.

Originally from Campania (he was born in Tufo, Irpinia) after living in Naples and Taranto, he moves to Milan and decides to stay here to fully experience the spirit of the 70s and 80s. He wants to be part of the social, cultural and political ferment of the tumultuous metropolis, and, above all, he wants to be a narrator.

The city environment is the fertile ground in which he experiences the passion for photography that becomes his profession. He attends the evening courses of the historic "Umanitaria" school in Milan, where he studies and practices all shooting techniques; he is interested in the history of photography, he questions its social function and the use of images. 

From 1985, after experiences in the commercial field, Nicoloro began a multi-year collaboration with the Cino Del Duca publishing house (Stop and Historia magazines) and from 1992 he joined the National Order of Journalists as a publicist. Since then, his photographs have appeared in national newspapers and periodicals (Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, la Stampa, Panorama, l 'Espresso ...) in print and online.

The love for this form of expression goes beyond the profession of photojournalist and Giuseppe Nicoloro also shoots following his own personal interests, enriching his archive and setting up some personal exhibitions, the last of which is "Il sorriso e lo sguardo di Alda Merini" on display at Pallavicini 22 in November 2021 to remember the poet on the anniversary of her death.

His photographs contain all the poetry of "... an extraordinary narrative tool for those who speak little and write less."

With the patronage of