
Omaggio a Odoacre

on the centenary of the birth of Georges Mathieu (1921-2021)

18 September - 10 October 2021

The Project

In 1921 Georges Mathieu was born, master of lyrical abstraction and famous informal painter with a tense and strong eye on the most poetic forms of pictorial expression. Ravenna hosts at the Art Museum of the city the mosaic "Homage to Odoacre", personally made by Mathieu in 1959 under the watchful eye of the collector Roberto Pagnani (1914-1965).

Magnificent photographic documentation of the study and realization sessions of the work remain in the Ghigi-Pagnani Archive, with the master Mathieu at work and the collector Roberto Pagnani, who helped to bring Mathieu to Italy for the realization of the work and to find the tiles and materials used. Also relevant is the correspondence preserved at the Ghigi-Pagnani Archive, testifying to the strong relationship of esteem and friendship that elapsed between the artist and the collector.

A hundred years after the birth of Georges Mathieu, Pallavicini 22 Art Gallery in collaboration with the Ghigi-Pagnani Archive, Antropotopia with the musician Matteo Zaccherini, the art critic Luca Maggio and the niArt Gallery cultural association, thanks to the great availability of the Ghigi-Pagnani Archive and the laborious work of the young Roberto Pagnani, offer visitors a path involving both exhibition venues and aiming to revive the original experience that over sixty years ago the city of Ravenna had the foresight to realize.

The Works

Video Installation

The Exhibitions

The exhibition dedicated to "Homage to Odoacre", set up at two exhibition spaces on the same dates so as to sign the unicum and give greater strength to the event, will be open to the public from 18 September to 10 October 2021 from Tuesday to Saturday, from 17:00 to 19:00.

At the Pallavicini 22 Art Gallery exhibition space in viale Pallavicini 22 in Ravenna will be visible an original installation of video art, inspired by "Homage to Odoacre", conceived and created by Alessandro Tedde, videomaker and co-founder of Antropotopia, with original music by Matteo Zaccherini. Documents from the Ghigi-Pagnani Archive will be the corollary to the installation.

The exhibition, which opens on September 18th at 17:00 hrs., got the patronage of the Municipality of Ravenna / Viva Dante.

At the niArt Gallery in Via Anastagi, 4a/6 in Ravenna will be exhibited the enlargement of twenty photographs in B.W. (no. 6 cm 101x67 and no. 14 cm 70x46) taken to Mathieu during the realization of the work "Homage to Odoacre", coming from the Ghigi-Pagnani Archive. Some images document the technical assistance that the artist had from the Mosaicists Group of the Academy and in particular from the mosaicists Ines Morigi Berti, Sergio Cicognani and Claudio Ricci.

The exhibition, which opens on September 18th at 19:00 hrs., got the patronage of the Municipality of Ravenna Department of Culture / Viva Dante.

With the patronage of