
Claudia Marinoni

METAFORE - In sintonia col tempo

from 02/06/2021 to 19/06/2021

Opening June 2, 2021

The Exhibition

This exhibition wants to be in tune with time by representing actual condition with metaphors: according to the artist "... we are all containers affected by idiosyncrasies that overflow content and we must find something that offers containment to this discomfort! "

With her works, Claudia Marinoni manages to overcome the traditional dividing line between a purely conceptual philosophy and an artistic production made of images that are seen without thinking about them. She is able to translate into an image what belongs to the sphere of the invisible. We can admire the production of an artist who has embraced the essential elements such as white, an absolute color-non-color, with cautious tonal variations that are barely perceptible, making visually effective images that lend to subjective reflections and interpretations.

The Works

The Artist

Claudia Marinoni was born in Sirmione, she lived in Verona, studied in Bologna and taught in Verona and Ravenna where she still lives today. She attends the Art High School during which she prefers figurative and landscape subjects, (passing from watercolor to oil) but later, due to the influence of philosophical studies also , she turns to abstract and material forms. Her works on wooden canvas, sometimes glass, tend to be monochromatic and in relief, obtained with mixed techniques. Her works manifest, in the geometric aspect, a constant spatial research and highlight a continuous rhythmic succession, of straight and curved lines, of volumes, an alternation of full and empty spaces that want to underline, metaphorically, the multiple aspects of our variegated and increasingly complex contemporaneity.

Relevant Exhibitions

2020 – AFFORDABLE ART Fair Milano 2020 

2020 – ART INNSBRUCK – 24° Internazionale Kunstmesse

2019 – MilanoArt  FuoriSalone – Milano

2019 – ARTPARMA Fair

2019 – ART INNSBRUCK – 23° Internazionale Kunstmess


2016 - 29th edition International URBIS et ARTIS - Mostra d’Arte Contemporanea Pontificia Facoltà Teologica S. Bonaventura-Seraphicum – Roma

2016 – International URBIS et ARTIS – Mostra d’Arte Contemporanea “Arte stupenda: Finalborgo in bellezza” –  Complesso Monumentale di Santa Caterina di Finale Ligure -Savona         

With the patronage of