
Manuela Carabini 


Dal 1 al 9 maggio 2021<br Apertura 1 maggio 2021 ore 16:30

Opening May 1st 2021 at 4.30 pm

The Exhibition

The material to make soul

A spark between soul and matter"

taken from the critical text by Roberta Ioli

“After the wound of these months, in the still suspended present, Manuela Carabini invites us to listen to her song to life, to meet matter that becomes soul and soul that becomes matter.

Manuela Carabini's art is competitive: there is a real certamen, an almost physical struggle between her body as an artist and the material she models, but it is a fight that does not leave defeated and, indeed, marks the time of a new alliance. The raw clay is mixed with a material sensitivity that reminds us of Burri's cracks, and yet the cracks are treated with new love: small injections of wax heal those wounds, just as the paraffin on fire is poured onto the ground and finished with flame. A powerful alchemy unites and contaminates the four roots of Empedocles: to these universal principles of life, to earth, water, fire and air, all the cycles presented here refer in ideal continuity.

The Artist

Manuela Carabini

She has worked in painting, sculpture and scenography workshops, with various artists, set designers and decorators from a very young age.

She has dedicated many decorations for the preparation of public spaces with interior designers of the sector (mosaics, decorations and fittings). She has worked in the allegorical floats of the Gambettola Carnival for two editions (1990/92) for the design of the two floats of the masters of the Laboratorio dell’Imperfetto, learning the traditional art of papier-mâché and fiberglass.

She was the founder of the Compagnia del Serafino (Figure Theater) from 1998 to 2005, building props and animating the figures on stage:
three works on stage have participated in the Figure festival in Castel San Pietro Terme (BO), the Palazzo Ducale Festival in Pesaro, the Villa and Castella Festival, the Cervia Figure Festival and other performances.

The alchemy of the elements water, air, earth, fire, is the basis on which all the poetics of a visual imaginalist revolves: 
This fast and impulsive processing has a physiological waiting time: there are three fundamental phases that determine the processing time. 
The pictorial material image brings on the canvas a fast, impulsive expressive technique, determined by the transformation of the material that is modified over time (clayey cracks) and engravings that determine the subtraction of the material itself on the canvas.
She uses many natural and synthetic materials such as paraffin, plastics, resins, tars. 

Manuela Carabini has also participated in numerous art reviews and national competitions in Italy and abroad (2015 Tokyo and Lisbon).

With the patronage of