
Claudia Marinoni & Roberta Barlati

Bianche Sintonie


The Exhibition

It is a monochromatic artistic proposal winding around the white color. The artists were inspired by the thought of Emily Dickinson, who felt deeply connected to the white color by an intrinsic feeling of female empathy and, as it is well known, she used to wear white clothes only. Even in her poetry, White recurs as a symbol of a void full of life.

White is not an aseptic color, but the color of infinity full of energy, while the absence of color and form, for the American poetess, is an indispensable premise for a condition of freedom of the soul and mind, a non- place of infinite possibilities, guarantee of inner independence stubbornly defended and constantly pursued, without which poetry would lose its immaculate mystery.

The Works

The artists


Born in Sirmione, she lived in Verona, studied in Bologna and taught in Verona and Ravenna, where she still lives today. She attends the Art School during which she prefers figurative and landscape subjects, (passing from watercolor to oil) but later, also due to the influence of philosophical studies, she turns to abstract and material forms. The works on wooden canvas, sometimes glass, tend to be monochromatic and in relief, obtained with mixed techniques. They manifest, in the geometric aspect, a constant spatial research and highlight a continuous rhythmic succession, of straight and curved lines, of volumes, an alternation of full and empty spaces that want to underline, metaphorically, the multiple aspects of our variegated and increasingly complex contemporaneity.

Previous exhibitions

2020 AFFORDABLE ART Fair Milan 2020.

2020 ART INNSBRUCK - 24th International Kunstmesse.

2019 MilanoArt FuoriSalone - Milan.

2019 ARTPARMA Fair.

2019 ART INNSBRUCK - 23rd Kunstmess International.


2016 29th edition of International URBIS et ARTIS - Art Exhibition - Rome. Contemporary Pontifical Theological Faculty S. Bonaventura-Seraphicum.

2016 International URBIS et ARTIS - Contemporary Art Exhibition "Wonderful art: Finalborgo in beauty" Monumental Complex of Santa Caterina in Finale Ligure - Savona.

She works between Ravenna and Dubai where she held ceramic decoration courses at the Dubai International Art Center and at the Yadawei Ceramic Studio, where she still exhibits at the Alserkal Cultural Foundation.
Ceramist, sculptor, painter, for over 30 years she has been creating her works with always different techniques and materials, from the majolica taken from Byzantine mosaics to the elaboration of a particular branch of polychrome Romagna vine, to abstract panels inspired by Nature.
She has worked for private clients, shops, institutions, and still teaches ceramic shaping and decoration
Currently, driven by the search for a symbolic and material lightness, she works with the experimental technique which she called “Lightness Technique”, by which she pours porcelain - or other liquid clays that she prepares herself - into recycled cardboard molds that she shapes and assembles to create the shapes she has created.

Previous exhibitions

2020 Matres - International Women’s Ceramic Festival Experience. Online edition.

2020 Buongiorno Ceramica May2020 - extraordinary online edition.

2016-2020 Alserkal Cultural Foundation - Dubai UAE, Collective of ceramic sculptures “The Big Heart of Women”.

2018 54th International Symposium of Ceramic Sculpture - Boleslawiec- Poland. ,

2018 Collective exhibition "Alice and the Others" with the Pandora Association, as part of "Buongiorno Ceramica" Royal Palace of Caserta, Caserta-Italy.

2017 Art Dubai 2017-Collective exhibition in the context of "Sikka", Dubai.

2017 Collective-Dubai Mall - 9 Hijri Exhibition 2017 - Dubai.

2016 Artist residency at Yadawei Ceramic Studio & Gallery and Dubai International Art Center - Dubai.

With the patronage of


Comune di Ravenna Assessorato Politiche e Cultura di Genere